Human mathematics and God's mathematics
It is not at all hard to enter a mathematician's mind without being a psychologist. This is because all that individual does in front of a piece of paper - observing, finding patterns and regularities, abstracting, describing, inducing and deducing, generalizing, applying and looking for consistency, but also for symmetry, elegance and beauty (call these latter aesthetics) - we regularly do in our daily life [...].
Click to read the article LISA satellite: Technology of the future for the science of the past
In only 500 years, humankind has shaped science and reached the current scientific achievements. In just half a millennium, we have walked on the Moon, created machines to think and act on our behalf, and developed elegant theories whereby we can understand and predict the behavior of the macro- and micro-universe. On a cosmic scale, all this occurred in only about 0.0000036% from the known age of the Universe [...].
Click to read the articleTen theorems formulated in basic-math terms proved after decades, centuries, or millennia
Mathematics lovers say that the shorter the text of a problem or theorem and the longer its solution or proof, the more beautiful is that problem or theorem. Philosophers and historians of mathematics say that the longer a theorem stays unproved (as a conjecture), the more important it becomes for the development of mathematics and for the inquiry into the nature and foundation of mathematics [...].
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Our mission
Humanity has entered a scientific era in which interdisciplinarity, technology and global problems are shaping the classical sciences into new forms. Meanwhile, public interest in science has risen dramatically. This is an era of challenges in regard to the way we do science and the way we communicate it. Contemporary scientific research is seeking new conceptual frameworks and methodologies through which to accommodate interdisciplinarity, applicability, technology, and unification in various directions. This is a turning point when we need to take stock of what science has been and forecast its new shape.
PhilScience aims to contribute effectively to the foundation of the science of the future through a critical, unificatory, conceptual- and target-oriented approach to the current methodology and issues of sciences. By addressing foundations, adequacy, and new conceptual designs of scientific content, theories, and methods as well as of the theories about science, we aim also to clarify and establish the status of philosophy of science and other metascientific disciplines in this new scientific era. We believe that with the challenges posed by contemporary science, philosophical disciplines dealing with science will be revitalized with the mission of being more applicative than they ever were.
An important vein of our mission runs in the social dimension of science. Science education is facing perhaps the biggest challenge adapting itself to the new science evolution. Our aim is to address critically the issues of science education, whether we are talking about formal school curricula or education for the general public, and to propose adequate directions of research in this field. One particular aim is to promote the inclusion of philosophy of science in the official curricula of secondary and higher education, to be taught along with the science it addresses.
The social normative-authoritative aspect of science is one of our focuses. The criteria for selection and review of the editorial boards of scientific journals are evaluated on their adequacy. Further, the criteria by which academic authorities select, organize, and adapt the knowledge to be included in the official curricula are also subject to critical analysis.
In brief, our mission is to raise an academic voice on matters that foundationally and essentially count toward the science of the future and the science of all humans as regards both education and application. We look for and promote critical questions rather than answers, and when addressing a 'why' question, prior to discussing the 'how,' we also investigate why we should ask the 'why.' -
How we will accomplish our mission
We conduct our own research at PhilScience following the principles outlined above and disseminate its results through our publications. We constantly design new research and editorial projects for which we call contributors and collaborators from around the globe. Our goal is to develop a wide community of researchers (from early career to those well established) through international collaborative projects.
Given our specific mission, which concentrates on foundational questions and innovation, we especially want to involve young researchers, including students, who may propose new questions and topics to be addressed. It is well known that editorial boards of the journals are hesitant when major changes and refoundings are proposed. PhilScience is the perfect place for those researchers who have been rejected on such matters.
Here you can make your ideas visible, and your arguments will be discussed transparently. Not only may you post an article in our online magazine, but you may also submit materials for publication to our press. Researchers may contribute to and collaborate on any of our open projects. All PhilScience projects, new ideas, and events are promoted through academic channels and also posted on the social media of the organization.
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